Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bull shit

disappointed with my result.. fucking stupid result..
i didnt expect to get such low.. MCB~
feel like wanna resit...

Friday, October 3, 2008


a brand new day for the week,
the day that start everything all over again,
the day that i started to loving you for another day.

twisted all those problems,
my mind only thought about you,
everything u told me seem to be real.

is the day of my luckiest day,
the day that you be with me again,
the day that i feel like i'm the king of the world.

bebe, i just want to tell you that how much you moved me,
how much you had changed me,
you made me a man by loving you, Bebe.

i'm so grateful that i have you,
i'm so lucky that i own you,
thank you for being with me.

another chapter of my life,
another day for us to spend time together,
another for us to write it in our love history.

the end of the week,
it comes so fast that i couldn't afford to stop it,
but i'll be there for you forever and ever.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


You are the lyrics to me,
without you i'm untitled.
You are a song to me,
without you i'm useless.

Together we made up a song that suit us the most,
and together we can achieve anythings.
No matter tears or laughter,
i just want to be with you forever and ever!

A square like boundary for you and me before we met.
The root is the base that i put on my effort to know you more.
While square root of two made up our family in future!

I might not be your perfect figure,
but, you are in my heart!
A figure that counted every single of my heart beat,
that exists so unique and unbreakable as in i love you,
that i can't afford to lose you!
That i need you more than anyone else in my life!

So, please,
do not ask,
do not mistrusted,
do not think of any bad circumstances,
just believe me with all of your heart!

As i always do!