Here is my new update.. ^^
Because recently i kinda too BUSY with all those STUPID assignment and coursework..
Still got A LOT to go.. Haizzz..
I'm DYING...
This picture is kinda "kek shui"..
I feel that this one is nicer than the previous one..
My new hair style for that day- sing k..
Nicer than before??
SS= Siok Sendiri.. =p
Inside the Green Box toilet..
this hairstyle look way better than when u juz cut it dat time.. look kinda fresh.. gud 1..^^
Haha..Finally Upadated
This new hairstyle look better than last time^^
Coursework~~ oso got a lot assignments r..
Hope still can handle it/
Hahas.. Thanks~ ^^
Waiting for my hair to grow longer..
That time i was too moody only will cut like that.. ><""
I tot my coursework will get very low marks.. Sighs.. =(
Our coursework and assignment are alots..
Even you can't imagine how much is that..
Now our grading is different d~
Coursework and assignment consist of 40% in the final exam..
So each subject will have 2 coursework & 1 assignment..
6 x 3 = 18
Wanna die already~
1st time in my life,i stop going to cc and play pool.. Haizzz..
sau tou zhi kek?? haha^^ ei, u oso got play pool ah? the place at old prodigy right.. bt kinda expensive >.<
Err.. I plan near genting klang dere..
I think it's call 8 Ball Cafe..
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